Kelly Coles

Full Stack Web Developer

I was introduced to coding while earning a degree in visual communications. The first time I saw my code become reality in a browser, I knew the path I wanted to take, and I changed majors. The more I learned about the problem-solving aspect of coding, the happier I was about my decision. I'm still passionate about design, but software development fascinates me because I love to be challenged, solve problems, and build things, and coding allows me to build just about anything I can imagine.


Eleet 17 Media

Technology Engineer
  • Built Websites in HubSpot CMS
  • Built custom modules and templates
  • Created forms and landing pages for content offers
  • Managed Facebook and Google Ad campaigns
  • built and manage HubSpot CRM
  • Created Analytics, Sales, Marketing, and Service reports
  • Created email marketing drip campaigns
  • Built custom workflows and automated processes
March 2020 - March 2021

Vegan Leaders in Corporate Management

Web Developer - volunteer
  • Manage and edit company Website
  • Build custom modules and templates
  • Build forms and landing pages for content offers
  • Manage HubSpot CRM
June 2020 - Present

Nashville Software School

Full Stack Developer
  • Built single-page applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and React
  • Implemented CRUD principles with persistent data storage using JSON server
  • Source code version control with Git/GitHub and project managing/tracking with GitHub Projects
  • Applied JavaScript fundamentals leveraging DRY, modular, readable code and reusable components
  • Application design through whiteboarding dependencies and building ERDs
  • Used Agile techniques, such as daily stand-ups, code reviews, and sprints in group-based projects to simulate best on-the-job practices
  • Utilized LINQ, classes, Inheritance, exception handling, Interfaces, and Generics with C#
  • Executed SQL queries to extract data from SQL Server databases
  • Built ASP.NET Web APIs with data annotations, and integration tests
  • Built ASP.NET MVC Web Applications with ADO.Net
  • Used object/relational mapping, Entity, and Identity Frameworks
July 2019 - Jan 2021


Nashville Software School

Full Stack Developer
Intensive full-time 6-month software development bootcamp anchoring learning with both individual and team-based projects. Tech Stack: C#/ .NET; React.js; Javascript; HTML5; CSS3; SQL
July 2019 - Janurary 2020

Nashville State Community College

Computer Information Systems

magna cum laude

Application Developer concentration with a minor in Visual Communications. Focused on enterprise development including sever side languages, database construction and manipulation, project and business management, and design.
August 2015 - May 2018


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Modular Development
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


The Maintenance Log

The Maintenance Log is an app for anyone who owns anything that requires maintenance or repairs. Users can create a list of items organized by category. They can store details, notes, model numbers, and repair manuals for the items, and log all of the maintenance and repairs performed on the items. Users can access maintenance details on one item or all items. User authentication and persistent storage allow multiple users to store, create, read, edit, and delete their lists of items, and their maintenance lists.

  • Built with React, JSX, JSON-Server, and CSS
See this project on GitHub


MowPro is a lawn care management application that allows users to create, read, update, and delete a list of customers, services provided, and jobs performed. It also affords users the ability to upload an image of the job site, see a dynamically generated map of the job site, and create pdf invoices and receipts for the customers, once the job is completed. Additionally, users can keep records of all jobs and sort them by customers who owe and customers who have paid. There is also a search feature that permits users to search all job records by customer name, address, email, phone number, service name, service description, and job notes. I owned and operated a lawn and landscape business for 8 years. One great, yet frustrating aspect of it was getting jobs while working on jobs. When people inquired about services, I had to stop working, walk to my truck, find a piece of paper and a pen, take notes and hope I didn’t lose them before getting back home. I would have absolutely loved to have had this app in my pocket during that time

  • Built using .Net Core, Entity and Identity Framework, LINQ, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, Bootstrap 4, CSS, and SQL server
See this project on GitHub

Welcome to Nashville

Welcome to Nashville is an itinerary builder application that allows users to make an itinerary of things to do on a day trip to Nashville. Users can select parks, restaurants, and concerts to see and print the results to take with them. This was a team project I built with Brian Wilson and Bennett Foster. I was individually responsible for the design, and the restaurant module which collected user input, leveraged JSON-Server to ping an external API, displayed search results in the DOM and saved the user's choices.

  • Built with HTML, JavaScript, JSON-Server, CSS, and external APIs
See this project on GitHub

Daily Journal

The Daily Journal was an ongoing project during the front-end course at Nashville Software School. Every new concept learned was implemented in the journal. It was a rewarding project because I actually used the journal. On the days I was feeling defeated, I reflected on all that I had learned in a very short time, and that made me feel better.

  • Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, modules, objects, functions, arrays, HTTP-server, NPM, and JSON server.
See this project on GitHub


Although I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the web development world, I have many other interests.

Apart from being a web developer, I love all things outdoors. I enjoy biking, hiking, camping, and working in my yard. I also enjoy cooking tasty vegan meals, and you can often find me with a power tool in each hand, elbow deep in DIY remodel projects.